Key Dates

April 2022 Preparation of Kolleg begins
Sept 15, 2022 First Circular and formal invitation
Sept 25, 2022 Abstract submission and registration
Sept 30, 2022 Final program announcement
Oct. 16-19, 2022 International Conference: Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Strengthening

    Plenary Speakers

    Prof. Dr. Sabu Thomas

    Prof. Dr. Sabu Thomas

    Mahatma Gandhi University, INDIA

    Keynote Speakers

    Prof. Dr. Harald GROSS

    University of Tübingen, GERMANY
    Prof. Dr. Christian KLINKE

    Prof. Dr. Christian KLINKE

    University of Rostock, GERMANY
    Prof. Dr. Holger SCHÖNHERR

    Prof. Dr. Holger SCHÖNHERR

    University of Siegen, GERMANY
    PD Dr. Manuel RICHTER

    PD Dr. Manuel RICHTER

    Leibniz-IFW Dresden, GERMANY